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      03-17-2017, 09:40 AM   #63
Mr Tonka
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Originally Posted by MightyMouseTech View Post
The only way to have greater efficiency in the gov't is to fire people.
I agree. So in theory, we would essentially trade the current lot of welfare recipients for another, right?

I mean lets face the reality that over the last few generations, a welfare culture has been born. We all agree that no one wants to live on welfare but some people have adapted to it because their parents grew up in it, they were raised in it and they are raising their kids in it. I highly doubt the people participating in this welfare culture will all of a sudden be motivated to get a job.

Whether you agree with the above or not, i think you'll agree that not everyone currently on welfare will jump back into full time employment and i know you agree that a number of people will lose their government job. (which in the US, for many, is a form of welfare in itself) These people won't have tremendously useful skills in which to barter with. They won't have high motivation or drive to excel. I mean, they've been working for the government for the last several years..... What happens to them?
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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