Thread: 2 kids vs 3
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      04-15-2024, 10:08 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by thebmw View Post
...The middle child syndrome is real...
I have 4 (well, 3 now; my younger brother has passed) siblings. The middle child has never been part of the family. I didn't even know she was at my brother's memorial until I saw her crossing the parking lot immediately after the service. She didn't stick around for the reception. My other two sisters and I haven't had any communication with her in years. She even unfriended me on fakebook, when I was on it.

We also stopped at two. A major reason is I told my wife that if she wasn't pregers by my 35th birthday I was done. Our daughter was born on my 34th birthday. Had we had our daughter sooner, we may have tried for a 3rd.
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